This is a collection of 8 novellas. Some of them I've read before I knew about this great compilation others I've read through it. I HIGHLY recommend you buy it and enjoy this short stories, they are amazing, well written, tender and sweet yet with so much added to them even though most of them are quite short.
Though I reviewed each one on it's own I decided to make this post with all of them combined. While there was one I liked less, the others were each an OUTSTANDING read. If
I have to recommend specifically which is my absolute favorite I'll say without a doubt - The Douglas Fir. At the moment I'm thinking it's my absolute favorite of ALL of her books. It was SO precious and special.
“Noticed Me Yet?” ★★★ (Read 8 February 2019)
While at first the premise of this novella intrigued me, as I was reading it I realized I was getting annoyed and not falling in love with the mysterious Mr. X like Jacob did. Also this novella wasn't just about Jacob finding a roommate but also finding closure with his ex-boyfriend Scott. I think I would rather have more of Jacob and his new guy than the issue with Scott which basically felt awkward to me (as it felt to Jacob as well).
Jacob needs to find a new roommate. He made a sweet add and put it on the boards in his college but the mysterious "Mr. X" took all of them out. Yet three people manage to take his number and called to ask about the place. Mr. X acknowledged he is one of them - but who? and how does Jacob connect with Mr. X? Well, they keep writing notes to one another on the same board on campus. Their banter was sweet but for me mostly frustrating as Mr. X was trying to get Jacob off his scent.
I actually knew who Mr. X was, out of the three but I guess it's easy to guess for a couple of reasons (I'm not going to mention), but for Jacob there was also the issue of Scott trying to talk to him bout their break up and the ending of their close friendship. In a way Jacob DID need it, but I'm not sure if it made any difference in getting into a new relationship.
The writing and flow, as always, was great, I'm a fan of Anyta's, everything else I've read by her I absolutely LOVED, so this wasn't my thing.. never mind. I'll be getting so much more or Anyta in the following months as I have her book list as a yearly challenge. SO excited about that!
“DJ Dangerfield” ★★★★★ (Read 24 February 2019)
What a sweet sweet story!!! This short one had more than just a bit of romance, it was also a sort of coming of age and accepting who you are. Justin have been listening to DJ Dangerfield's radio show on 91.3 FM for a year now, he has been calling every single week talking, complaining, suggesting songs and throughout this time a sort of bond was formed between the two even if they didn't really know who the other person was. When DJ Dangerfield suggest they meet they are both reluctant yet intrigued. But their "first date" doesn't work as planned for neither of them.
There is more to this one than just that. There's the fact Justin will be celebrating his 5 years anniversary with his girlfriend and though he loves her dearly, as does she, it's not working and Justin needs to realize and mostly accept WHY. It was sad and sweet seeing these two together. But I think it worked in the best way possible for the two of them. It felt genuine.
We also have Tom, Justin's eccentric tutor. Really liked him. He had his own role to play and though he might have chosen the wrong props for his costume he had his best intentions in mind and that certainly counts!
I say go and grab it. you're in for the cutest story ever! and though it's short prepare for a REAL story.
“Get It” (Enemies to Lovers, #2.5) ★★★ (Read 11 August 2019)
This short novella has no connection to the previous books as it takes place in a totally different place. I have a feeling it has a similar setting as the next two books in the series. Though I liked the idea behind this one - Best Friends to Lovers, Benny (our sole POV) was TOO clueless for me. I cringed and felt sorry for James most of this read.
Benny Reece is on a mission of finding a real relationship. He has a guy in mind, yeah he might not really be interested in him but he wants to know FOR SURE. Giving it enough chances. He tries asking his best friend James Stewart to be his "wing-man" a couple of times but James seems reluctant to help and he isn't sure why.
Benny just doesn't GET IT. He doesn't get he is looking for a guy who looks VERY similar to his best friend, the one he can't have enough of, can't seem to be distant from for less than a day. Keeps hanging in his apartment and sometimes sharing his bed (coz the sofa is uncomfortable). James is heart broken with every stupid attempt Benny does towards someone else. He just wants Benny to realize what he TRULY wants he actually already has... It's just about taking things to the next step between them.
“(How to Steal a Heart in) 500 Kisses” (How to Love, #1)★★★★★ (Read 9-10 April 2018)
Though I reviewed each one on it's own I decided to make this post with all of them combined. While there was one I liked less, the others were each an OUTSTANDING read. If
I have to recommend specifically which is my absolute favorite I'll say without a doubt - The Douglas Fir. At the moment I'm thinking it's my absolute favorite of ALL of her books. It was SO precious and special.
“Noticed Me Yet?” ★★★ (Read 8 February 2019)
While at first the premise of this novella intrigued me, as I was reading it I realized I was getting annoyed and not falling in love with the mysterious Mr. X like Jacob did. Also this novella wasn't just about Jacob finding a roommate but also finding closure with his ex-boyfriend Scott. I think I would rather have more of Jacob and his new guy than the issue with Scott which basically felt awkward to me (as it felt to Jacob as well).
Jacob needs to find a new roommate. He made a sweet add and put it on the boards in his college but the mysterious "Mr. X" took all of them out. Yet three people manage to take his number and called to ask about the place. Mr. X acknowledged he is one of them - but who? and how does Jacob connect with Mr. X? Well, they keep writing notes to one another on the same board on campus. Their banter was sweet but for me mostly frustrating as Mr. X was trying to get Jacob off his scent.
I actually knew who Mr. X was, out of the three but I guess it's easy to guess for a couple of reasons (I'm not going to mention), but for Jacob there was also the issue of Scott trying to talk to him bout their break up and the ending of their close friendship. In a way Jacob DID need it, but I'm not sure if it made any difference in getting into a new relationship.
The writing and flow, as always, was great, I'm a fan of Anyta's, everything else I've read by her I absolutely LOVED, so this wasn't my thing.. never mind. I'll be getting so much more or Anyta in the following months as I have her book list as a yearly challenge. SO excited about that!
“DJ Dangerfield” ★★★★★ (Read 24 February 2019)
What a sweet sweet story!!! This short one had more than just a bit of romance, it was also a sort of coming of age and accepting who you are. Justin have been listening to DJ Dangerfield's radio show on 91.3 FM for a year now, he has been calling every single week talking, complaining, suggesting songs and throughout this time a sort of bond was formed between the two even if they didn't really know who the other person was. When DJ Dangerfield suggest they meet they are both reluctant yet intrigued. But their "first date" doesn't work as planned for neither of them.
There is more to this one than just that. There's the fact Justin will be celebrating his 5 years anniversary with his girlfriend and though he loves her dearly, as does she, it's not working and Justin needs to realize and mostly accept WHY. It was sad and sweet seeing these two together. But I think it worked in the best way possible for the two of them. It felt genuine.
We also have Tom, Justin's eccentric tutor. Really liked him. He had his own role to play and though he might have chosen the wrong props for his costume he had his best intentions in mind and that certainly counts!
I say go and grab it. you're in for the cutest story ever! and though it's short prepare for a REAL story.
“Get It” (Enemies to Lovers, #2.5) ★★★ (Read 11 August 2019)
This short novella has no connection to the previous books as it takes place in a totally different place. I have a feeling it has a similar setting as the next two books in the series. Though I liked the idea behind this one - Best Friends to Lovers, Benny (our sole POV) was TOO clueless for me. I cringed and felt sorry for James most of this read.
Benny Reece is on a mission of finding a real relationship. He has a guy in mind, yeah he might not really be interested in him but he wants to know FOR SURE. Giving it enough chances. He tries asking his best friend James Stewart to be his "wing-man" a couple of times but James seems reluctant to help and he isn't sure why.
Benny just doesn't GET IT. He doesn't get he is looking for a guy who looks VERY similar to his best friend, the one he can't have enough of, can't seem to be distant from for less than a day. Keeps hanging in his apartment and sometimes sharing his bed (coz the sofa is uncomfortable). James is heart broken with every stupid attempt Benny does towards someone else. He just wants Benny to realize what he TRULY wants he actually already has... It's just about taking things to the next step between them.
“(How to Steal a Heart in) 500 Kisses” (How to Love, #1)★★★★★ (Read 9-10 April 2018)
This one was great! Really liked it! Enjoyed getting the back and forth of these two, in their own voice and between one another.
Chris Montgomery and Dylan Halsworth are neighbors, at the moment not very friendly ones. When Dylan needs Chris' help he is reluctant to even ask but he doesn't have any choice. Though they grew up together several mistakes done by both of them tore them apart from best friends to close to enemies. To Dylan's surprise Chris actually accepts though he has his ulterior motives for his initial act.
When a kid on the Summer Camp Dylan organizes talks about a "500 kiss bet" they somehow find each other competing one against the other. What's the bet? The kid said that after kissing someone 500 kisses the deal is done - you'll be together, even if you didn't even like the person before you started the kissing.
Spending time together, not just kissing, but during the Summer Camp with Chris' help makes them rethink their past and naturally their present. Question is, who will back up from the bet and say the truth neither of them was willing to admit all those years.
I loved this one. It was so sweet and endearing, it was fun! I could see both Chris and Dylan's defenses fall apart every step of the way. SUCH a fun read.
“The Douglas Fir” ★★★★★ (Read 24 June 2018)
This book was simply PERFECTION! or should I say it was MAGIC! But mostly it's going to be very difficult to explain especially without spoilering anything.. Whatever you planned or reading in the near future this one have GOT to be fitted it.
Jase have been in love with his best friend and neighbor - Noah - for a while now. But he isn't even sure he is gay.. They enjoy spending time together, including with his younger brother, Noah enjoys teaching how to surf. He wants to teach Jase as well, but Jase doesn't know how to swim and he won't allow Noah to see him so vulnerable.. What he DOES know he has to make Noah's birthday the best thing ever, but for that to happen he needs a plan. It takes him time but in the end he realizes the best thing would be a magic Douglas Fir ("Christmas Tree"). One which grows not just from watering but also from speaking truths to.
Jase hopes with all of his heart that once Christmas is here, Noah would finally SEE him and maybe want him the way he wants him.. but as times goes by, the magic grows but Jase is still silent about his feelings and when they are finally revealed they shatter their friendship. The only thing Jase can think of doing is asking Noah's best friend Dave to teach him how to swim (so he has an excuse to ask Noah for those surf lessons) hoping it's the ONE thing to bring them back together. Dave isn't Jase's first option, but it's actually the only option he can think of, though he feels like both he and Dave are in a way "fighting" for the same thing.
When Christmas if finally here and the magic Douglas Fir is done Jase needs to realize which are the actual truth he have been saying to the magic tree and what he needs to do so he can at last claim his love.
"It Could Be You" ★★★★★ (Read 6 February 2019)
I simply ADORE Anyta's ability to give us a story in so few words. This short novella was maybe a scene yet it was enough somehow.
It's Tom's lucky day! He has won the lottery! well, he got the numbers right but now he can't find his ticket! His best friend Jenson tries to help but he mostly want to talk to Tom who isn't ready for this talk. Tom saw the letter on the table and he knows it means he is going to lose the love of his life and he can't even say these words to him.
It's time for putting the truth out there, the numbers don't lie. There is a meaning to each and every number and it's all about how much Tom means to Jenson. But Jenson has more to say to Tom than he thought and it changes everything.
Simple. Beautiful. Heart felt. Thank you again Anyta.
"Hearts" ★★★★★ (Read 5 February 2019)
Though this was extremely short novella we get a whole story and A LOT to think about. I'm still thinking about WHAT exactly the moral of this story is. I think it's mostly about the power of the mind, the power of belief and what it can bring us - good or bad - depends on us. But I guess it's up to you to read and think for yourself what you take out of it.
When Daniel meg the fortune teller 10 years ago, she foretold he would get his heart broken. Now, after Sam has left him - and shattering his heart while doing so - he meets her again. She looks at him with a sad smile and says everyone in this cursed city gets their heart broken. Looking around this is exactly what Daniel sees all around him which is why he tries to make the young couple who just moved next door to leave before the city gets to their happiness as well.
It doesn't take long for Toby and Kyle to start having issues and in the end breaking up. At first Toby is a bit resentful of Daniel who in his own way played the fortune teller and foretold them this heart breaking future, and yet unlike the one Daniel met, he is determined to try and help Toby and that's how they start spending more time together, two friends roaming the city trying to find the manifestation of this damn curse but mostly just dealing with their heart ache. In the end they manage to heal their broken hearts and hope for a loving future together.
GREAT short read. HIGHLY recommended.
"Bird Meets Cage" ★★★★★ (Read 9 April 2018)
This was SO SO beautiful and yet heart breaking at the same time. I LOVED it though I felt a sort of agony the whole time waiting, wanting "Stardust" and "Floss" to find their to their HEA. They deserved it so much, they deserved each other! ~sigh~
This short novella is told solely from Nathan's POV. Nearing his 18th birthday when the circus is in town he works at the cotton candy stand. There he meets "Blue" a performer who takes his breath away, seeing him before he even knew his show name in his heart he calls him "Stardust".
Nathan and "Stardust" spend time together in the two weeks the circus is in town. It's easy for Nathan to crush on the beautiful and talented "Stardust" who in return only offers friendship to his younger friend whom he calls "Floss". But Nathan wants more and more is something "Stardust" feels unable to give.
When the circus finally leaves town he finds himself all alone. Well, ALMOST, he finds a new friend in someone they left behind - Danny. With an easy smile he wins his friendship and soon they become friends. They both share the same ache, wanting someone they can't have and as the years go by and Nathan and Danny build a life for themselves, preforming together even if both are a little broken hearted.
It's been 12 years since Jean, Nathan's "Stardust", left with the circus and now that he is back he has a decision to make, will he - the bird - succumb to Nathan - the cage? The same reason Jean left Nathan behind might be the exact reason he changes his mind.
I don't know what you had in mind to read, but if you're between books NOW is the time to grab this one and read it. It's a bit sad, but once it's all said and done, you'll find your smile. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
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★★★★★ |
Edition |
Read on:
April 2018 - August 2019
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