Saturday, October 11, 2014

Tamed (Tangled #3) by Emma Chase

aaaaand we're back to business! :) This book was a JOY to read, not as funny as Drew's POV but sweet and loving and FUN. Really didn't want to put this one down - and I didn't! right up until the end. 

On "Tangled" we already heard of Delores aka Dee Warren - Kate's best friend hooking up with Matthew - one of Drew's best friends but we didn't get all the "gory" details and how it all come to pass. This book tell us their story. 

I wasn't sure how this one would be because I really didn't know how or who Matthew is or was before he met Dee. I loved that he wasn't "Drew2" but someone different even if both of them were "players" and even if they share the same job and some hobbies. 

I loved Matthew's character much more that I enjoyed Drew's. While I really loved reading Drew I think I would have fallen in love with a Matthew and not really with a Drew and not only because of the YUMI motorcycle and a boxer's body :P also because he loves dogs and had a Great Dane when he was a kid. How can top THAT?? only complaint I have is he smoke which is unforgivable. Lucky for me he is a fictional character and I don't have to mourn his untimely loss to Dee or to Lung Cancer. 

Matthew is really a sweet guy. Even if he was all about having fun he wasn't afraid to play the "big game" and when he realized how he felt about Dee he was willing to SHOW her how much she means to him. He was really awesome! Dee on the other hand knew she doesn't handle relationships too well so it was all hard work for him showing her HE is worth it but more important I guess that SHE is worth it. She can be bat-shit-crazy in the most adorable way. I totally got what he found in her. I LOVE female characters like her that aren't afraid being different and going after what she wants (as long as it's not a serious relationship naturally..) she is a good and loyal friend and she isn't just about the looks she is smart and witty and FUN to be around. 

I loved this installment! I don't get why the back and forth since it would have made more sense if this was the second book having the same time line as "Tangles" and THEN continue two years later to Kate's HORRIBLE story. Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm still pissed at her. Lucky for me I'll get the the 4th and last installment after a good night sleep where I can dream of a sexy Matthew and his sexy bike. 

Recommended! :

Additional Details: Kindle Ebook, 256 pages, 10 October 2014 / On GoodReads
Tangled is a Contemporary Romance Series by Emma Chase which centers on Andrew (Drew) Evans and Katherine (Kate) Brooks though there is one book in the series portraying Kate's best friend Dee coupling with Drew's best friend Matthew (#3, "Tamed"). 

Both Drew and Kate are into Investment Banking. Drew being a partner in his father's company and Kate coming to work there as well. Drew was always a "ladies men" or maybe I should just call him the way we see it - he's a slut. He doesn't sleep with the same woman twice, he doesn't bring them home, he doesn't coddle them. Then comes Kate.. who is first an attraction, then an obsession not only physically also mentally as they compete for a client. The attraction wins out somewhere along the line but then with appreciation and friendship they build a relationship. 

These books are so FUNNY and enjoyable to read! 
When I started "Tangled" I was a bit worried I won't get Drew who is basically a douche! and when he is not, he can be SO childish. Yet somewhere he grew on me and I realized I was just sucked into the story and couldn't and wouldn't put it down. I really liked the fact we have only a guy's POV - so refreshing! Emma writes men EXTREMELY well. 

The second book "Twisted" and the forth book "Tied" continue telling us of Drew and Kate but I didn't really like those. I feel like there is no real "need" for them relationship-wise and I also didn't like the plot line (can't say more without a MAJOR spoiler..). 

Can't say I totally recommend this series, I DO recommend both "Tangled" and "Tamed" (HEA of Matthew and Dee) but not the other two books in the series or the short novella (the "extra scenes" are actually short and cute and I do recommend those for the fun of it). I also don't think there is a need plot-wise to read the books I'm not recommending since both those books feels closed in their ending. Naturally more can happen but there are no loose ends you might be worried about / interested in. 

1. Tangled [Drew & Kate] (published 20 May 2013) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.1 Tangled Extra Scenes [Drew & Kate] (published 29 May 2013) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.5 Holy Frigging Matrimony [Drew & Kate] (published 2 December 2013) ★ ★ ★ ½
2. Twisted [Drew & Kate] (published 25 March 2014) ★ ★
3. Tamed [Matthew & Dee Dee] (published 15 July 2014) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4. Tied [Drew & Kate] (published 7 October 2014) ★ (DNF 31%)

[ Note - Bold/Purple refers to the POV ]

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