Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Where There's Smoke (Panopolis #1) [Edward & Raul] by Cari Z.

I'm not sure what I was expecting from this one but if I have to sum it up in one word it will oddly enough be - COOL! Though this was quite short I feel we got to know our sole POV Edward Dinges quite well and there is FAR more to get to know him in the next two installment which I have NO CLUE how it's going to evolve for both him and his lover.

The city of Panopolis is special. It's special because it has Super Heroes Marvel can only envy as well as Villains galore. That's what drew Edward into the city actually though it took time until he met his first Villain AND Hero both the same day as The Mad Bombardier broke into the bank Edward works at and Freight Train came to the rescue. Yet Edward somehow finds himself helping not the Hero but the Villain. He didn't expect himself to even act when he was so stressed, yet he did and when the thank you flowers came with an offer for a meeting he couldn't be more surprised.

He actually went and met the guy, yet the Mad Bombardier, couldn't be more different than he expected. Raul Tremblay was a guy to fall in love with. We don't learn a lot about Raul in this short novella but I have a feeling there is an interesting story there to be told somewhere in the next two installments.

Edward and Raul somehow make it work. Edward works at the bank and comes home to Raul who waits in his apartment for him to return home, making him dinner without saying where and what he has been up to during the day. Though he does sometimes share a bit more. While Edward IS conflicted from time to time it takes a life threatening situation for a real tear in their relationship. That's when Craig (aka Freight Train, the Hero) tries to win Edward over. When Edward refuses again and again Craig makes a step that changes everything.

Now it's up to Edward and Raul to figure out how their future is going to be. On to the next installment !!!

Read on:
3-4 December 2018

Panopolis is a Paranormal Series by Cari Z. It contains three parts, two short one and the 3rd a full length novel. The first two are novellas, telling us the story of Edward Dinges and his lover Raul Tremblay who is actually a Villain called "The Mad Bombardier" in a city full of Heroes and Villains. The last is a full length novel of Craig Haney (aka "Freight Train"), a Hero we've met in the previous installments.

Don't expect either Hero nor Villain to be what you'd expect them to be and look for the hidden reasoning for WHY this city is so special.. Yes, there are people behind the amount of Heroes and Villains and the treatment BOTH are getting though very different is still not truly beneficial for both parties.

It's up to the "Good Guys" - Heroes, Villains, regular Joes to bring the evil down and make Panopolis a city for all it's citizens.

This series was simply SUPERB. I enjoyed it SO MUCH. All three installment were extremely engaging. I loved the setting, world building and the way the story progressed. There's a lot of action but within it there are still two sweet love stories.


1. Where There's Smoke [Edward Dinges & Raul Tremblay] (Published 25 April 2015)  ★★★★★
2. Where There's Fire [Edward Dinges & Raul Tremblay] (Published 12 July 2015)  ★★★★★
3. Where There's A Will [Craig Haney & Dr. Ari Mansourian] (Published 3 April 2016)  ★★★★★

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