Sunday, September 1, 2019

True Luck (True Love #1) [Ben & Sebastian] by Anyta Sunday

This novella was sweet and endearing. My heart was aching for the beautiful person Ben is, even though he seems to has it all - money, smarts - he isn't lacking in a heart. Yet six month before Christmas his father decides to teach him a lesson - he has to "save Christmas" meaning save the usual money the (overly rich) family spends on Christmas so his younger brother can enjoy the holiday as he is used to..

At the beginning, Ben has his idea of how to collect the money but as he sees that Seb is the one who TRULY needs the money he finds himself giving it all to him and looking for a different way to make his brother happy.

Seb went through so much in his short life, luck being totally drained from it yet he has Ben - even if he thought that Ben doesn't look at him the way he looks at him (with longing and a dab of jealousy..). It was so beautiful and heart warming. Both Ben and Seb were willing to do anything and everything for their siblings, in the end it worked best for both of them.


This novella was originally published as "Bottle Boys" in the "Wish Come True" Anthology. Now it's the beginning of a new series - "True Love". The second book "True Colors" is also highly recommended! 

Read on:
6 December 2015

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