This book wasn't what I was expecting it to be. For better or for worse. I was disappointed Kathleen and Jack's story in "To Ride a White Horse" ended so abruptly, I wanted to get something clearer about them, more than just a declaration, so this book gave me the closure I needed as it doesn't only circle around Sean and Ailish - it has the POV of both couples - the first one being together for 4 years and the second trying to form a connection against all odds. In a way it was also the story of the two families - Montgomery-Deacy - mashed together.
The story begins with the heart breaking scene of Sean Deacy pulling a dead man off the sea after a ship carrying immigrants from Ireland crashes almost at the shores of America. The satchel the man was holding so tightly didn't contain his possession but a little baby. When a home isn't found for little Liam Clark, Sean comes up with a brilliant idea - give him to his sister. Kathleen and Jack Montgomery have been married for two years but sadly she hasn't been able to keep a pregnancy, being gifted this beautiful boy is everything for both her and her husband. Wanting to give him a better future / possibilities they change his name to an English one - William Montgomery. Life has been ideal for two years especially with Kathleen's parents and siblings near by, and a good relationship with Jack's grandfather who also took to baby Will. Everything shattered once Ailish Sullivan comes into their lives claiming to be Liam/Will's aunt and wanting full custody of the almost 3 years old boy.
I think the story was suppose to make us feel conflicted - like Sean did - with both women - Kathleen and Ailish - having a rightful claim on Will/Liam. Kathleen have been raising Will as her own in every aspect. He has a good life, a comfortable one, with two loving parents who care for him dearly as well as a bigger family who adore him as well. What he has under the Montgomery's roof, he wouldn't have in ANY Irish home, that's without mentioning he now has an English name and all the rights which comes with it - another privilege not to take lightly. Ailish on the other hand has just arrived to America a few months ago, she literally has nothing and no one. She can barely afford her own living situations (staying with another Irish family of 6) and working very hard in two jobs to make ends meet (now also needing to pay a lawyer) and still she goes to bed hungry. She was there when Liam was born and as his only living relative she is obliged to her sister and herself - teaching Liam of his ancestry, the parents he wouldn't remember and her own siblings and parents who hasn't survived.
All that being said there is only ONE word for me to describe Ailish and it rhymes perfectly with her name SELFISH. It was heart breaking how all alone she is in this world, the question is if to fix HER life situation she has to worsen or totally DESTROY a CHILD's life. In my opinion the answer is crystal clear - NO! Throughout the book I simply couldn't sympathize with her narrative. She was so bitter and her behavior towards the Montgomery-Deacy family was downright mean and for no good reason. They raised him with love since they got him, her expecting him to renounce his name now and not consider the people who cared for him his mother and father doesn't make any sense, especially for a 3 (!) years old as well as to the family who see themselves - and rightfully so - as his family. There was ZERO sympathy from her part to anyone but herself including and most importantly towards this little boy she wants to tear from his mother's arms on a "whim". That's without mentioning everything that happened with Sean.. but I'm getting ahead of myself...
I don't want to get too much into what happens legally as not to spoiler. I will say it wasn't a clear cut decision at first and so the two families needed to try and "connect" so Will/Liam will get to know his aunt (with Sean as the "buffer" / "chaperone"). Sean is such a warm hearted guy. He too went through a lot - losing his wife Moira and twin sons at birth and now trying to build a new life in America. It's not easy. What he wouldn't give for a little patch of land of his own.. But his job is dangerous and doesn't even pay that well... Yet he is a hard working guy and with everything he had to deal with he has a more positive look at the world around him, especially since reading a book he was gifted from a friend. At first he doesn't want to like Ailish or befriend her but the family believes it might be a good idea. Maybe make her realize the Montgomery's are the best option for Will. But things doesn't really go as expected with BOTH finding themselves drawn to one another. They shouldn't but they somehow do.
Nothing could really come out of any sort of relationship between Sean and Ailish as once the ruling is made one side would have Wil/Liam and the other would have to retreat. Also it's very difficult for both to say their truths - about how they are feeling as well as what they are going through - knowing they're suppose to be "enemies" and anything said might be used against them - mostly from Ailish's side. While Sean was mostly hiding his growing feelings and frustration about the whole situation, Ailish was LYING to him quite a lot. I got why but together with her selfish personality all I could see was how manipulative she was. I really think Sean deserves better.
With all my criticism towards Ailish, this book was still captivating and heartfelt from Kathleen and Jack's perspective. These two together ~sigh~ I'm so glad we got this book if only for THEM. It wasn't easy, to say the least, but these two can overcome anything with their love and care towards one another. Kathleen was so genuine in everything she did. She was struggling with herself to make the right decisions not only for herself and her husband but for all the members of the family. Jack, oh Jack.. His word, for me, has been KINDNESS from the start and he hasn't changed these past 4 years. He might not always talk but his intentions are clear, he makes his decisions after considerate thought with so much love and appreciation. Kathleen and ALL of the Deacy family are fortunate to have him on their side. When I had tears in my eyes it was from his actions and simple words.
The story concludes, in a way, not so different from the previous one with only a PROMISE of hope and a happily ever after. If each of them find it only Pamela knows for sure. For me, I got the closure I needed for Kathleen and Jack. I trust them and their love to overcome all of life's difficulties. What about Sean and Ailish and their journey - I don't know. I'd love to get another book in this series, maybe even Will/Liam's! That would be SO cool! With my misgivings, these two books with Pamela's beautiful writing, the historical accuracies as well as the heart felt stories makes me want to read anything and everything by Pamela.
![]() | Rating: ★★★★ | E-Book Edition | 382 pages | Read on: 21-24 September 2021 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
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