While this isn't my usual read Cari is! This is the third installment in what I refer to as "The Train" series, as it was the first story of Anton and Camille. Where last we left off it's clear both men wish for more than they have but it doesn't seem like a future together is something they can have at the moment. Camille's post as "a Lumiere" the Emperor's investigator takes him whenever there is trouble and Anton is all invested in his academic studies. Please be advised, if you haven't read the first two installment you MUST start at the beginning but no worries, all three are free reads though Cari's
Now that Anton Seiber has finished his Master training in Thaumaturgy (magic) in the Universitate Zurich he isn't sure what to do with his life. His previous "adventure" with Camille has brought him no more trouble but the association with the man who has tried to kill him has left him with no employment offers. On the eve of his graduation he wishes for a friendly face. He has contacted both his mother and his closest friend from childhood Caroline but both haven't replied to his letters. He would have LOVED for Camille to come but he doesn't even know how to contact him. Camille seems to appear out of the blue and stay for the shortest time. Yet before the evening ends two of the three appear with a promise of adventure, one he isn't really sure about..
Caroline has come to make him an offer he has NO desire to accept but the one Camille offers, or rather the one he predicts he is going to get, offers him exactly what he needs (especially with a prospect of having Camille near by). He is to be Professor's Grable (The head of the Thaumaturgy department) assistant in an urgent matter in Paris where both their abilities might be of use against the "Devoue", a nationalist group bent on rising against the French Empire. With Anton's last experience on a train (even if for a different destination) he was more relaxed than I would have been and as one would expect that's already the starting point of the mess Anton finds himself smack in the middle of - as usual.
At the L'Institut D'Ingenierie Technologique Anton finds quite a lot of interesting things and people. He also realizes this place is FAR more than just an academia and the secrets start with Camille as we finally get quite a piece about his past as well as a little of his current position. We already know of his position but there are more reasoning for his role as well as personal situation as someone who cannot use or be affected by magic. We also get quite the treat with a few chapters from Camille's POV allowing us to understand him a bit better. He might appear a bit
cold hearted looking at his actions as well as most of his indifferent
face expressions. Getting his POV allowed us to see that his actions
towards Anton has always been the best he could manage at that certain
time. He would have preferred not to get Anton into any dangerous
situation but life seems to put him at harms way more times than not so
he has to make his own decisions of how to protect him the best he can.
It doesn't always looks like he is doing the right thing for Anton but
he sure tries.
I really enjoyed seeing Anton and Camille's relationship evolve even if
they still have a way to go. It has a lot to do with the
circumstances but also both not knowing how to truly commit to one another when there are so many secrets Camille is unable to share which puts Anton in a place of uncertainty. He isn't sure if he can even ASK for what he wants and even if he did, he is too afraid to hear Camille's answer.
I haven't said anything about the Tanks but believe me they are there
and not firing what you'd expect. But that's for you to discover as I'm
not saying anything else!
This book was quite a ride. It's not that long and yet it managed
to pack quite a lot in it. The mystery part was at times confusing but
it was also deliciously complicated and well thought off. I can't wait
to see where Cari takes this series in the next installment(s) as she
put quite a lot of thought into the world building of these novels.
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